Development Roadmap =================== Progress (in order) 1. Reduce 2. Modular compiler 3. Broadcasting 4. Psi reduction ... Reduce (binary operation) ------------------------- Reduction is at the heart of most linear algebra routines and computation in general. Thus this feature is extremely important to implement. So far the frontend, shape, dnf stages have been completed. Transforming the dnf to the onf is non-trivial with complex cases. Here I will present features that I believe need to be implemented in order for this to work. Suppose the following moa expression with the following shapes. - :math:`\shape A = \vcc34` - :math:`\shape B = \vc4` .. code-block:: text (B + +red A) + *red (A + A) .. code-block:: python _a1 = numpy.zeros((4,)) for _i0 in range(0, 4): _a2 = numpy.full((), 1) for _i1 in range(0, 3): _a2 = _a2 * (A[_i1, _i0] + A[_i1, _i0]) _a3 = numpy.full((), 0) for _i2 in range(0, 3): _a3 = _a3 + A[_i2, _i0] _a1[_i0] = B[_i0] + _a2 + _a3 This is a simple moa expression to python code conversion but still several difficulties emerge. 1. with the expression ``_a1[i0] = B[i0] + _a2 + _a3`` the ``_a2, _a3`` are at different levels in the tree thus simple preorder traversal will not work. A custom tree traversal will be required (or postorder traversal might work?). **Will custom tree traversal be required?** 2. After reading the dragon book would it be advantageous to form a data flow graph? **Would data flow constructs be required for compiler?**. Already have ast nodes that can represent this block structure (multiple statements in one command). MOA Compiler ------------ Modularity to enable domain specific operations/shape/dnf reductions/onf optimizations. Why? Because broadcasting, ufuncs, slices are not within Lenore's thesis and a modular structure would allow user contributions to the moa engine and allow the core to be as minimal as possible. I would like to be able to enable/disable moa "features". This would also enforce good design. We need to clearly express what the "core" of moa is and express an easy way to make MOA modular. Thus at least a simple dispatch mechanism will be required for each stage? Here I am trying to express how I would expect modules would "plug in". Frontend ^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python A = LazyArray(shape=(3, 4), name='A', modules={ 'uarray.linalg', 'uarray.broadcasting', 'uarray.ufunc' }) B = LazyArray(shape=(3, 4), name='B') result = result = A.core.add(B) result = A + B # (maps to A.core.add) Core would be a default required dependency but would be added in a "plug in" manner. Module extensions would be allowed to have "dependencies" which would allow "module" declarations to have multiple dependencies much like a package manager. These modules would add to each stage frontend, shape, and dnf. For example "broadcasting" would not affect the frontend but would allow for more possible compatible operations. Here I am showing how lazy array could express the modules that a user AST ^^^ Module system would at least require the ability for moa users to specify arbitrary node types (unique symbols). .. code-block:: python class MOACoreTypes(enum.Enum): PSI = (2, auto()) TRANSPOSE = (1, auto()) PLUS = (2, auto()) This would allow several enums to be used. For defining moa frontend, shape, dnf, onf symbols. Node(...) would use these modules to create the correct node_type contructor. Maybe some global state is needed? Maybe a tighter constraint is needed for nodes. ``(node_type, shape, *node_specific, *node_children)`` needs more thinking. Take for example an if statement ``(node_type, shape, condition_node, block)``. Maybe a block_type could be used and then all there would be no nested blocks! Looks like an important addition that would generalize well. Shape ^^^^^ .. code-block:: python calculate_shapes(symbol_table, tree, modules={'uarray.core'}) These modules would have a standardized way to specifying shape function mappings. Most likely a dictionary. Only one shape is allowed for each shape function. Thus one of two things must happen. - modules would override the shape function in order? Seems complicated but necessary in where multiple users have different implementations. - would throw an error stating that multiple functions are defined for a specific shape. ``(node_type, shape_function)`` DNF Reduction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Multiple possible reductions should not be possible for a given tree. Or should it? Need some type of reduction language for `(pattern, dnf_function)`. ONF Reduction ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TODO need to think on this more. Numpy Broadcasting ------------------ Broadcasting is a technique that allows for mismatching shapes to apply an n-ary operation. Suppose the following ternary operation expression ``op`` with the following shapes. - :math:`\shape A = \vccc345` - :math:`\shape B = \vccc311` - :math:`\shape C = \vcccc2115` The resulting shape would be :math:`\vcccc2345`. This leads to the following indexing code. .. code-block:: python result[i, j, k, l] = A[j, k, l] + B[j, 0, 0] + C[i, 0, 0, l] The following rules define broadcasting. 1. For missing dimensions fill with ``1``s on the left hand side 2. Positional shape elements must all be equal or ``1``s For symbolic shapes this constraint leads to multiple possible code paths. Suppose. Suppose the following ternary operation expression ``op`` with the following shapes. - :math:`\shape A = \vccc345` - :math:`\shape B = \vccc3n1` ``n`` can equal either 1 or 4. .. code-block:: python # n = 1 result[i, j, k] = A[i, j, k] + B[i, 0, 0] # n = 4 result[i, j, k] = A[i, j, k] + B[i, j, 0] This will need to be solved for symbolic shapes. Also note that a max function will be required to determine shape. - :math:`\shape A = \vccc3m5` - :math:`\shape B = \vccc3n1` The resulting shape is ``k = max(n, m)`` :math:`\vccc3k4`. gufuncs ------------ gufuncs are the idea that a given operation ``f`` can take in ``n`` arrays with differing dimensions and output ``p`` arrays with differing dimensions. With this the input arrays "eat" the right most dimensions from the input arrays. The remaining left most dimensions of the arrays must be equal or satisfy some relaxed condition such as broadcasting or scalar extension in moa. So gufuncs are two ideas in moa. 1. ``f(A, B, C, ...) -> D, E, ...`` 2. ``omega`` which applies the given operation to the left most dimensions. Lets looks at an example and show that MOA is "almost" advocating broadcasting. Suppose a function ``g`` that takes input arguments 2 dimensional, 1 dimensional. And we have two input arrays. - :math:`\shape A = \vcccc2345` - :math:`\shape B = \vcc34` :math:`m = \min(4-2, 2-1) = 1` Then the only requirement is that :math:`\vc3 = \vc3`. Notice that 2 is not in this. Lenore then implies that scalar extension also applies to omega. Lets consider a complex example. A tensor contraction with broadcasting. - :math:`\shape A = \vcccc945` - :math:`\shape B = \vcc56` - :math:`\shape C = \vccc946` We apply a tensor contraction to the innermost "right most" dimensions of A and B. With :math:`\emptyset` and :math:`\vc9`. This is broadcasted to :math:`\vc9`. With the resulting shape of C. Slice MOA Operation ------------------- Take, drop, and reverse are not general enough. How would one represent ``A[::2]``? Currently this is not possible but the shape is deterministic. Thus I recommend a slice operation ``A slice B`` where :math:`\shape A = \vccn3`. Conditional Indexing -------------------- Allowing a selection of elements to be taken from an array. The resulting shape. .. code-block:: python A[A > 5] This indexing will result in a vector. A corresponding reshape operation would be nice to have. Reshape ------- TODO PSI Reduction Implementation ---------------------------- Useful for a huge performance increase and reduce the number of loops. Need further understanding of this topic.